Hong Kong Schools Mooting and Mock Trial Competition 2021–22

2021–22 香港學界模擬辯護及模擬法庭比賽

Organizer 主辦機構

Hong Kong Schools Mooting and Mock Trial Association 香港學界模擬辯護及模擬法庭協會

Co-Organizer 共同籌辦機構

Department of Law and Business, Hong Kong Shue Yan University 香港樹仁大學法律與商業學系

Divisions and Teams 比賽組別及名額

The Competition comprises of a Chinese and an English division (each holds 16 teams). There is no upper limit on the number of participants per team. However, the Association will only award four (4) participants per team with the certificate of participation of the Competition. Teams are free to elect on who shall be awarded such certificates. 比賽分中英文組,各組名額十六隊。各隊參賽人數不設上限,惟本會只為每隊最多四(4)名參賽者頒發參與證書,各隊可自行決定由何人獲得該等參與證書。

Application Fee and Deadline 報名費用及截止日期

Deadline (截止日期):  October 11, 2021 (Monday) 

Deadline for Early Bird (早鳥優惠截止日期): September 27, 2021 (Monday)

HKD 2,200 PER team; HKD 1,800 PER team for entering into BOTH DIVISIONS or joining MORE THAN ONE team. 每隊港幣2,200元;同時分別報名參加中英文組別、或派出多於一隊則為每隊港幣1,800元。

Important Documents 重要文件

Structure 賽制

The Competition comprises of a Chinese and an English division (each holds 16 teams). The Competition consists of Preliminaries (2 rounds), Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, and Finals. The Preliminaries and the Finals will be held in form of a mock trial. The Quarter Finals and the Semi Finals will be held in form of a moot. A trophy is awarded to the Champion, 1st and 2nd -runner-up of each division. Outstanding individuals will also be awarded.

比賽分中英文組,各組名額十六隊。每組賽事分初賽 (兩輪)、半準決賽、準決賽及決賽。初賽及決賽以原審方式作賽,半準決賽及準決賽以上訴方式作賽。每組冠軍、亞、季軍獲頒獎盃乙隻。另設個人獎項嘉許表現優異者,各頒獎牌乙個。

Instructor 導師

Each team is allocated with local law student(s) as tutor. 每隊可獲分配本港法律學生擔任導師以指導參賽學生及與學生進行交流。

Mock Trial 原審作賽形式

Teams will be allocated to act for the Prosecution or the Defence where they will make submissions, call witnesses on their behalf and cross-examine witnesses of their opponents. Preliminaries is a Magistracy trial. The Finals is a jury trial in the Court of First Instance.


Mooting 上訴作賽形式

Teams will be allocated to act for the Appellant or the Respondent where they will take turn to give submissions. Teams need to submit and exchange Skeleton Arguments and Bundle of Authorities prior to the moot. The Quarter Finals problems set scene in the Court of Appeal, tried before 3 judges; while the Semi Finals problems set scene in the Court of Final Appeal, tried before 5 judges.
